Meenu and Russ' love story. In Meenu's words...

My fiance and I met through a dating app called hinge and had our first date at a brewery! He is a first year resident physician and I am in pharmaceutical sales, we joke that this might have been the other way we could have met if we didn't meet on a dating app haha! I had never gone on a date before at all and was pretty nervous about going on this one but I had a good feeling... Anyway, we went on this date and to be honest the rest is history. I never thought I would be the type of person to believe in love at first sight but that is kind of how it went for us! We knew that we had found forever within the first couple dates.. :) we instantly grew closer and I moved in fairly quickly.. we met each others family members and could not have found a better fit. They were all so excited for us, and never seen us this happy before! Seven months later... Russ SURPRISED me big time at my family thanksgiving In NYC. We were celebrating my mom's birthday and Russ had planned this big proposal in central park, New York. I thought he was going to propose this summer since he had made sure to fool me into thinking he needed to save up for the ring for at least a few or several more months ;) anyway we strolled through central park with a couple of rushed potty breaks because of my "mom's big birthday surprise", but the real surprise was for me... we ended up at the proposal spot and he knelt down and I was a MESS... bawling in the middle of central park and could barely breathe. Russ stood up and I even had to ask if I said yes because I was in so much shock! it was the greatest moment I have yet to have... and to top it all off my family got to celebrate the whole proposal with us. It's as if he walked out of a romantic novel and never fails to be my prince charming every single day. :) This is probably way too much information but hopefully it's a good thing! 

I have so many favorite things about Russ so this may be a long list.. haha. I love the way he makes me feel. I am truly the happiest girl in the world when I'm surrounded by him. He has the most contagious laugh I have ever met and his eyes wrinkle up so much you can barely see them when he laughs and it is by far my most favorite thing about his face. He lights up every room he walks in because of his bright and jovial aura. My mom jokes that she has never not seen Russ smile. He is so gentle and kind with the biggest heart. He shows me every single day how much he truly loves me and I couldn't spend a minute of my life without him (truly we have separation anxiety when we have to go a whole work day without each other). I have never been cheesy and now I might be the sappiest of them all. I love how goofy he is with his silly weird dance moves and karate kicking the air at random times that never fail to make me belly laugh. I think about the silly stupid stuff he does all day and then laugh out loud in my own in the car!! I admire him deeply for how hard he works and how is humbleness remains through all his days and success. I love how he pushes us to celebrate all of our little joys and triumphs with mimosas or wine... even if it's something as little as the laundry being done hahah!! I could go on for days but I would like to leave it all with the most important thing I love about my fiance... I love the life he gave me in 7 short months that I never thought I would feel or have in a million years... and now I have it forever :)